Saturday, September 20, 2008

Holy Alligator Hands!!!

Today I was drooling over rings on Ring Envy and was actually distracted from all the fantastic bling by the women's dry, scaly hands. Now, by no means do I always have perfectly manicured fingers, but if I were taking pictures of a three -something carat ring on my finger I would at least put some lotion on first!

At work I'm around a lot of sanitizing chemicals and I wash my hands a ton, so I've tried most of the hand creams out there. My favorite so far is Nutrogena Norwegian Formula Hand Cream.

It's about five dollars, lasts for a month, and best of all it gets rid of the dry, scaly patches on the backs of my hands.

Someday soon I'll get around to posting non-scaly pictures of my own engagement ring...

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