For the past few weeks, and today especially, I've felt anxious and worn out. I've tried to focus on eating healthier and working out more, but I still feel lethargic (if a little slimmer). What I really need is to escape from everything weighing on my mind--the family problems, coworkers, and household chores that are always there-- and find balance again.
The Mr. and I started taking mini vacations to Disneyland a few years ago to de-stress, and now we try to make it to California at least a few times a year. The best thing about our mini vacations is that they are just for us; we don't worry about what we should be doing or wearing (or in my case how out of control curly my hair gets!), so we focus on what is important to the two of us.

He makes sure that I get to eat Swiss Oatmeal at the
Corner Bakery Cafe every morning (because I would seriously consider getting up at three in the morning and driving to California for breakfast if I didn't) and we thoroughly enjoy our time together with no cell phones and no distractions. It's not that we don't enjoy our weekends together at home, but there's something about being "On Vacation" that makes me giggle a little more and worry a little less.
I sorely need a vacation right now! If only I could wiggle my nose... I would whisk us away to a beach front house in San Diego for a week of relaxation and healing. As much as I avoid the sun, I absolutely love the ocean and fresh humid air; I can't think of anything better than an early breakfast on a deck overlooking the Pacific and some beach front yoga.
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